About Us

FNK Services India Pvt. Ltd. has been in the Industrial and Commercial Housekeeping, One Day Cleaning, Horticulture & Landscaping, Security Services, etc. since 2002 and added Pest Control and Water Tank Cleaning Services to its portfolio in 2003.
In 2004, Minor Civil Works, Painting, Grass Cutting, Supply Of Technically Qualified Manpower And Garden Maintenance Services were started and we are now equipped to provide the complete Facility Management Services to our esteemed customers.
We are providing these services to various satisfied customers, a list of which is part of this document. As we are following ISO 9001:2000 methods and documentation, we can offer benefits such as timely services, fast responses, time management and cost saving plans

FNK Services India Pvt. Ltd. uses the following quality control procedures.

  • Quality Measurement Forms are filled in by each Site Supervisor.
  • Work Register is maintained by each Site Supervisor.
  • On-the-job training is provided to each new employee for 80-100 hours.
  • All employees are neat and clean in appearance, uniformed, having identity cards, registered under P.F. / E.S.I.C. / Profession Tax.
  • Only ISO 9001:2000 and India approved solutions are used for the cleaning activity unless specified by the customer.
  • All equipment used is of the highest standard and quality and is purchased from registered vendors with high ratings in the supplier evaluation.
  • Hazardous activities are reduced to the minimum by using latest high access systems and other safety equipment.
  • Work Reviews and Assessments are provided to the customers regularly.
  • Customer Feedback Forms are collected on an annual basis.

Why We?

Ethics are fundamentally about what actions we consider right and what we ought to do, or not do, in different situations. At FNK, the laws and regulations applying in the countries where we operate are the obvious starting-point, but there are areas where FNK has higher ambitions. FNK has a clear aim in terms of ethics: zero ethical breaches. For example, we do not tolerate any form of corruption, inducement, bribery, actions that limit competition, discrimination, harassment or unnecessary environmental impact.


Seeing further means paying attention and knowing how to prioritize. We at FNK have always stood one step ahead in order to solve problems before they actually arise. It’s a need today to think prudently for better development.


Being responsive is all about openness and communication. FNK is open to views and ideas on how we can develop or improve ourselves and our work methods. Our expert team ensures that we interpret messages correctly. It also means ensuring that others can understand any verbal or written information provided by us.


Generating success is about drive and the desire to improve. Quite simply, FNK get things done. We are creative and find solutions that are smarter and more economical – for us and our customers.

Working With Us:

With us, you are a part of our core business

Your efforts and your contributions to the company's progress are the foundation of our success. Let's see how?
All operations can be divided into two parts: core business and support operations. Core business is the actual central mission. For a car manufacturer, it's about producing and selling cars, and for a hospital, providing good health care, etc.
Support operations are everything that is not part of the core business; all the support and service that makes a company or an operation work. That's where FNK Service Management comes into the picture. FNK’s core businesses to take over responsibility for our customers' support operations—to manage, develop and streamline these service functions. That's what we're good at, and when we do it, our customers can focus on what they're good at. For service employees at FNK, this means belonging to our core business. Our core business is to Deliver, Manage, Develop and Streamline our customers' support operations.